13 Office Personality Types – Who’s In Your Office? [Infographic]

If you work in an office, there are some office personalities that are all-too familiar. You may not have a coworker named Milton with a red stapler, but you’re sure to recognize these character types, some funny and some down-right annoying!

Today’s Office Showcases a Variety of Personalities All Under One Roof

Today’s modern office environment is the driver of endless jokes, mockumentary television shows, and countless anecdotal stories. Why is the office such incredible fodder for insightful and entertaining commentary? Simply put, no other location blends such an array of personality types that run the gamut from introverts to exhibitionists, reclusive types to loudmouths.

When companies house different divisions under one roof, the interactions among employees can become downright riveting. Imagine blending the sales team, accounting department, human resources, and marketing under one roof. The resulting interpersonal relationships and interactions that occur are intriguing.

The Various Types Of Office Personalities

If you’ve ever spent time working in an office environment, then you’ll be able to relate to most, if not all, of the following personality types:

  • The Passive Aggressor: identified by those who leave covert notes like, .the coffee maker doesn’t clean itself..
  • The Backstabber: Lives for the opportunity to one-up his or her competition with juicy details.
  • The Kitchen Slob: This person may remind you of your first college dorm mate, or maybe your four year old. Either way, don’t expect the Kitchen Slob to pickup after themselves.
  • The Chatterbox: Pretty self-explanatory. In fact, they are overly self-explanatory. These types can be seen leaning into cubicles and engaging occupants in overly elaborate and nonsensical conversation.
  • The Delegator: It’s always someone else’s desk that sees their workload. After all, good managers need to delegate,right?
  • The Workaholic: These types would set up a cot under their desks if they could. Sleep is for wimps, and there are never enough hours in the day for these go-getters.
  • The Noisemaker: Knuckle crackers; constant hummers; show tune-singers, you get the point. These types think that the entire office wants to hear their one-man show.
  • The Meeting Scheduler: Most CEOs agree that the majority of meetings are wasted time. Not for the Meeting Scheduler, though! They’ll put a meeting on the calendar at a moment’s notice.
  • The Gossiper: Oh, you haven’t heard what happened last weekend? The Gossiper will tell you, whether you want to know or not!
  • The Overly Ambitious Summer Intern: Young, energetic, and full of ideas – The Overly Ambitious Summer Intern is ready to pop up wherever he or she is needed. Until Labor Day, that is.
  • The Debbie Downer: Reading this information will probably give you eye strain anyway. The Debbie Downer can tell you what is wrong with any situation.
  • The Email Overloader: Actual human communication is overrated anyway. Click forward to anything that might be remotely informational.
  • The TMI Sharer: These personality types can be just plain uncomfortable to be around. Really, do we need to know everything?

Who Are You?

It is quite easy to categorize the range of office personalities that we all run into each day. The difficult part lies in taking an introspective approach and figuring out who am I? In actuality, most of us take on a small fragment of each of these personality types every day. The fun lies in working alongside so many unique individuals on a daily basis.


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