In today’s text- and email-focused world, receiving a letter in the mail is a rare treat. There’s just something about getting a physical card in the mail that no virtual e-card can match. If you really want to show your customers that you care this holiday season, send them a gift that won’t get lost in their inbox. Go old school with custom business holiday cards and leave customers feeling valued with these holiday card ideas for your business.
To take this tried-and-true holiday tradition to the next level, add a gift that customers won’t throw away. Customers will note the special surprise of business holiday cards, but they probably won’t place them on their fridge or mantel to treasure like their other cards. Business holiday cards that include personalized gifts ensure that customers will actually hold onto a piece of your marketing.
When you’re maximizing your seasonal marketing efforts at the same time as maximizing your customer’s joy, you really can’t go wrong. Here are some of our favorite holiday card ideas for business, and ways to send the right message along with them.
See our new infographic on business holiday card ideas for 2020.
This year, don’t just deck the halls. Put that holly jolly attitude in an envelope. There’s so many options when it comes to choosing your custom business holiday cards. Do you go with the traditional winter wonderland setting? Or maybe spice it up with a pack of scarf-wearing penguins?
Selecting holiday cards is a careful balance of considering what your customers will appreciate and what best fits your brand. Before you let this add to your holiday stress, check out our suggestions for choosing the right custom holiday cards for your company and customer.
Pairing a pen with your business holiday cards just makes sense. With all the cards that customers have to sign this time of year, giving them a custom pen will prove especially useful. Make sure they reach for your branded pen each time they sign cards of their own.
If you have a large customer demographic, offering season’s greetings guarantees that you don’t leave anyone feeling left out. This custom business holiday card and pen featuring a bunny in the snow is a particularly cute way to get the stamp of approval from all your customers.
Not great at caroling? Let this cd do the caroling for you. Unlike tune averse carolers, this CD is sure to have perfect pitch for all the years customers enjoy playing it. Plus, the personalized CD allows you to double your custom marketing.
Not only will your handwritten note on the card show your customers that you cherish their business, the CD imprint featuring your company’s name, logo, and website will help customers remember who brought them this holiday cheer.
This business holiday card is decorated with all the season’s delights, and the custom CD that comes with it is sure to bring a smile to your customer’s face for years to come. Personalizing this set will show your customers that you enjoy going the extra mile for them.
One of the best holiday card ideas for business is to wish your customers a happy holiday from everyone at your company. Get the team together for a fun group photo and pack it into your custom cards. You can even add this to your cards that include a personalized CD or pen. Small touches like this are what build brand loyalty by making customers feel like a part of your business’ family.
To get a great holiday group shot, check out our pro-tips for group photography!
Remember, when it comes to getting the best customized cards and holiday gifts for customers, the earlier you can start preparing, the better. Do you have more holiday card ideas for business? We’d love to hear about them! Show us your unique holiday promotional ideas on Facebook or Instagram.
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